Tuesday, April 10, 2012

4/9/12 – Monday (Blog #100)

Alright, its blog number 100! I only have less than ten minutes to actually type this up and upload this, so it’s going to be crazy. Today was pretty boring, sadly. I woke up and go to school pretty late. I guess the weekend was really tiring for me, and it is a Monday and all that jazz.

I stayed up until 3 in the morning typing up some essay. It was really weird, because I fell asleep at one point. However, I started writing some gibberish. However, it wasn’t just gibberish, because I was typing in complete sentences. They were just fragmented words and ideas though. There were also several numbers. Sadly, I deleted them, thinking they were nothing, but thinking back on it now, it’d be very interesting to reread it.

Maybe while I’m sleeping, I think about things, and since my hands are on the keyboard, it’s just a natural reaction for me to type things. If I have some time tonight, maybe I’ll try it again. I don’t want to stay up late though, since I have a test for physics tomorrow.

And shoot, it’s exactly midnight. I’ll just be really quick and upload within 10 minutes! School was boring and I slept mostly through all the classes as usual. I got to spend a little bit of time with L afterschool today, but it was also with another person. We have to do some project for economics, and we were spending about an hour or so just brainstorming on ideas.

Tomorrow, the whole group is going to go over to L’s house for the whole day until ten or so at night. It’ll be interesting to see what happens. If it was just me and her, I’d totally love that, but I guess that’s too good to be true. Anyways, thanks a lot for following and being up to date with my blog. I’ll post my usual update tomorrow.



  1. Well well done on hitting 100 first. It's also pretty cool you were sleep typing. I think you should try it again, it would have been interesting to read. As for being at L's house for a bit, well you could always still get some alone time with her. Or just ask her if you can come back on your own one time.

  2. anniversaries, anniversaries everywhere

  3. Congrats to your blog number 100!

  4. And adding in the factor of 10 part (if only unintentionally) was cool as well..10 (minutes) squared = 100 (posts).

  5. Congrats on getting to 100 posts! I usually tend to do better with my ideas when i'm borderline asleep myself. dunno why, maybe it makes for easier daydreaming and linking of them to the real world.

  6. I've missed a bunch of your posts! Now I feel behind in whats happening with L! Congrats on 100 posts!

  7. Alright, congrats on 100! And yeah, I was up til 3 last night working on homework too... ><

  8. Perhaps you should ask L out on a date? Then again, I don't know you or any relative to who this "L" is.
