Saturday, February 25, 2012

2/25/12 – Saturday (Blog #56)

Wow, I haven’t had such a bad day in a long time. Well, I suppose it wasn’t all that bad, since S came over in the morning for some fun with me. I spent the day playing Starcraft 2 with my friends too, so I guess that makes up for it. Anyways, the real reason why I’m annoyed and angry is because my phone is bricked.

For anyone that doesn’t know: bricked means that the device stops working and literally becomes an expensive brick or paperweight. I’m actually wondering if anyone knows how to fix my phone, since I’ve spent the past 4-5 hours trying to fix it.

Here’s the current info for anyone that needs it. My phone is an LG Optimus P509 Black. The problem was that I couldn’t update my Android version, which was 2.1 at the time. I tried to update manually, and it caused my phone to crash several times. I ran something called a KDZ updater, but that failed too. Now, after a few hours of searching on Google, I’m waiting for my phone to finish booting up.

The guides online told me that I have to wait about 10 to 15 minutes for the phone to boot up completely, but I’m not sure how long I’ve waited already. I’m really frustrated, because my phone isn’t that old. It’s less than a year old only, and I’ve already screwed up my phone.

I don’t know how I’m going to ask my brother or my parents for a new phone. I’ll most likely end up getting one of our older ones, but that’s not so bad. What sucks is that all of my data is gone, along with my games and contact info and pictures. This sucks.

I don’t really want to blog tonight, so that’ll be it. Thanks for keeping up with the blog, and I’ll post my usual update tomorrow. Hope my phone gets fixed though. It’ll be Sunday, so that’s another day for me to try and fix it. Homework is going to be a pain too.



  1. Hope it goes well with the phone situation, man. I know what a pain it can be to lose all that info. Also, Gratz on 100 followers!

  2. That sucks man, hope things get better

  3. I hope things get better for you too!

  4. I think even if your phone is fucked you can salvage the data from it.

  5. That does suck, hate the damn expensive paperweights, they need a good smashing..haha

  6. That sucks. I just bricked one of my phones about a month ago

  7. Sorry to hear that man :( Wish you the best, hopefully it starts working again. You didn't have your data on a little chip/Micro SD card or anything? That's unfortunate :(

  8. my droid bricked one time. Just went black when i was using the maps app. I ended up being able to pop the battery, and plug in the charger, in that order, which jump started it back to life. I hope you can get yours going again :(

  9. Ah bricked phones always suck, especially when you've only bought it recently.
